Bridging Two

Levels of Bridging

  • Level
    All Levels
  • Video time
    35 minutes
  • Writing exercises
Preview illustration by Janice Chang

This lesson walks you through the scales and the stakes of bridging. OBI Director john a. powell opens by outlining the three levels of bridging: individual, group, and collective. A panel conversation follows featuring brilliant thinkers Joy Harjo, Bayo Akomolafe, ALOK, and Akaya Windwood who all share their real-life experiences with bridging. Lastly, OBI Deputy Director and longtime organizer Ashlin Malouf-Gashaw describes why she bridges and why this practice is crucial for our survival.

Course Guide
Sarah Crowell

In this course, you will learn about:



At what levels does bridging take place at? How does scale affect how we bridge?


Where do imbalances in power come from and how do we bridge across differences in power?


What is at risk when we do or don't bridge?