
Explore all of the classes that OBI University has to offer. Deepen into the core concepts of the Othering & Belonging Institute with engaging videos, reflection exercises, real world case studies, and more — and earn certificates to display on social media. 

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OBI University draws from the knowledge and experience of a diverse group of people, places, and lifeways. Learn about all of our wonderful learning guides by clicking the photographs below.


Our Guides

Sarah Crowell

Ashley Gallegos

john a. powell

*An appearance in OBI University (OBIU) is not an endorsement for OBIU or the Othering & Belonging Institute. At times, this platform will adapt or present pre-existing online material — virtual livestreams, panel conversations, research reports, and so on — to supplement the unique course material. In such cases, the ideas expressed are not necessarily those of the Othering & Belonging Institute or UC Berkeley, but belong to the speaker.